B4 - Broadway

 The closest I've ever come to seeing a broadway show was in my senior year of high school. We were about to be on our way to see Wicked for my music class until I got sick and couldn't go that morning. So I've never got to see a broad way musical but after watching some of those videos I'm more interested to go see them now. Ive always wanted to see ones from movies such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, or The Lion King because I always here that one being talked about. I like the high paced songs, the bright, lights and all the characters and stage pieces that have to be moved around.

 In my opinion I would much rather see a movie over a musical but of the ones on the blog I like Meet Me in St. Louis the most. I was more fond of the costumes and the dancing then the singing. I don't hate singing but if I wanted to watch something thats going to tell me a story I would rather have it told to me than sand to me. The songs they were singing were catchy and it sounded good but once again I would rather just watch the actual movie. The stuff that kept me interested was the dancing and the different stage settings. The reason I am interested in the stage scene and also the lighting is because in my music class senior year, I was on the stage crew and also the lighting crew for the plays my school would do.

 After seeing all this broadway stuff I think Im going to stick to movies. The only part about broadway that keeps me interested is the dancing, lights, stage, and actors. Other then that Im not really that interested.


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